
1. (verb) turn yellow; "The pages of the book began to yellow"
Related Words: colour, discolor, discolour

2. (satellite adjective) similar to the color of an egg yolk
Synonyms: yellowish

3. (satellite adjective) cowardly or treacherous; "the little yellow stain of treason"-M.W.Straight; "too yellow to stand and fight"

4. (satellite adjective) changed to a yellowish color by age; "yellowed parchment"
Synonyms: yellowed

5. (noun) the quality or state of the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons
Synonyms: yellowness
Related Words: amber, brownish yellow, canary, canary yellow, chromatic color, chromatic colour, chrome yellow, gamboge, gold, greenish yellow, lemon, lemon yellow, maize, old gold, orange yellow, saffron, spectral color, spectral colour

6. (satellite adjective) affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc
Synonyms: jaundiced

7. (satellite adjective) (archaic) showing or experiencing a state of disordered feeling or distorted judgment as through bitterness or melancholy; "all looks yellow to the jaundiced eye"-Alexander Pope
Synonyms: jaundiced

8. (satellite adjective) typical of tabloids; "sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal"; "yellow journalism"
Synonyms: scandalmongering, sensationalistic

9. (satellite adjective) (informal) easily frightened
Synonyms: chicken, chickenhearted, lily-livered, white-livered, yellow-bellied

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