
1. (noun) wild or uncultivated flowering plant
Synonyms: wild flower
Related Words: Allionia incarnata, Antheropeas wallacei, Arnica cordifolia, Arnica montana, Boykinia elata, Boykinia occidentalis, Calandrinia ciliata, Calyptridium umbellatum, Chrysopsis villosa, Collinsia bicolor, Collinsia heterophylla, Collinsia parviflora, Collinsia verna, Daucus carota, Davidson's penstemon, Encelia farinosa, Enceliopsis nudicaulis, Eriophyllum wallacei, Eustoma grandiflorum, Gerea canescens, Haplopappus acaulis, Heterotheca villosa, Hulsea algida, Hulsea nana, Hymenoxys acaulis, Hymenoxys grandiflora, Indian paintbrush, Indian pipe, Jones' penstemon, Lasthenia chrysostoma, Leontopodium alpinum, Leptarrhena pyrolifolia, Leucogenes leontopodium, Lewisia cotyledon, Lewisia rediviva, Lithophragma parviflorum, Machaeranthera bigelovii, Machaeranthera tanacetifolia, Machaeranthera tortifoloia, Madia elegans, Melampodium leucanthum, Mexican hat, Mojave aster, Monotropa hypopithys, Monotropa uniflora, Parnassia fimbriata, Parry's penstemon, Penstemon barbatus, Penstemon centranthifolius, Penstemon cyananthus, Penstemon davidsonii, Penstemon deustus, Penstemon dolius, Penstemon fruticosus, Penstemon linarioides, Penstemon newberryi, Penstemon palmeri, Penstemon parryi, Penstemon rupicola, Penstemon rydbergii, Penstemon serrulatus, Penstemon whippleanus, Platte River penstemon, Queen Anne's lace, Ranunculus glaberrimus, Ratibida columnaris, Ratibida columnifera, Ratibida tagetes, Rydberg's penstemon, Sarcodes sanguinea, Senecio bigelovii, Senecio glabellus, Senecio triangularis, Spraguea umbellatum, Stenotus acaulis, Tanacetum douglasii, Tellima grandiflora, Tetraneuris acaulis, Tetraneuris grandiflora, Tiarella unifoliata, Tragopogon dubius, Tragopogon pratensis, Whipple's penstemon, Wyethia amplexicaulis, Wyethia helianthoides, alpine gold, alpine hulsea, alpine sunflower, angiosperm, arrowleaf groundsel, balloon flower, bitterroot, blackfoot daisy, blazing star, blue-eyed Mary, bluebell, brittle bush, brittlebush, butterweed, button snakeroot, cascade penstemon, cliff penstemon, coast boykinia, common madia, common tarweed, desert sunflower, dwarf daisy, dwarf hulsea, edelweiss, engelmannia, false alumroot, false beachdrops, false chamomile, false miterwort, false mitrewort, flame flower, flameflower, fleabane, flowering plant, fringe cups, fringed grass of Parnassus, gaillardia, gayfeather, goatsbeard, golden aster, golden-beard penstemon, goldenbush, goldenrod, goldfields, hairy golden aster, hawk's-beard, hawk's-beards, hawkbit, heartleaf arnica, heliopsis, hot-rock penstemon, incienso, innocense, kitten-tails, leatherleaf saxifrage, long-head coneflower, lowbush penstemon, maiden blue-eyed Mary, meadow rue, meadow salsify, mountain pride, mule's ears, narrow-leaf penstemon, nodding groundsel, north island edelweiss, northern dune tansy, old man of the mountain, oxeye, painted cup, pasque flower, pasqueflower, pinesap, prairie coneflower, prairie gentian, prairie golden aster, prairie star, purple chinese houses, pussy's-paw, pussy-paw, pussy-paws, ragwort, red maids, redmaids, rock penstemon, sagebrush buttercup, sand verbena, scarlet bugler, scented penstemon, shepherd's clock, shrubby penstemon, siskiyou lewisia, snakeroot, snow plant, stemless golden weed, stemless hymenoxys, sticky aster, sunray, tahoka daisy, tansy leaf aster, trailing four o'clock, trailing windmills, tulip gentian, waxflowerl, white-rayed mule's ears, wild carrot, woolly daisy, woolly sunflower, yellow salsify

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