
1. (noun) a craft designed for water transportation
Synonyms: watercraft
Related Words: boat, craft, fishing boat, fishing smack, galley, hovercraft, ice yachet, iceboat, patrol boat, patrol ship, racing yacht, sailing ship, sailing vessel, ship, trawler, weather ship, yacht

2. (noun) an object used as a container (especially for liquids)
Related Words: autoclave, barrel, basin, bath, bathtub, bedpan, boiler, bone-ash cup, bottle, bowl, bucket, butter churn, cask, censer, churn, container, crucible, cupel, drinking vessel, drum, ewer, eye cup, eyebath, eyecup, flagon, jar, ladle, melting pot, metal drum, monstrance, mortar, pail, pitcher, pot, refractory pot, retort, steam boiler, storage tank, tank, thurible, tub, urceole, vat, water jacket, well

3. (noun) a tube in which a body fluid circulates
Synonyms: vas
Related Words: blood vessel, tube, tube-shaped structure

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