
1. (satellite adjective) not wise in the ways of the world; "either too unsophisticated or too honest to promise more than he could deliver"; "this helplessly unworldly woman"- Kate O'Brien
Synonyms: unworldly

2. (satellite adjective) lacking sophistication
Synonyms: naive

3. (satellite adjective) lacking complexity; "small and uncomplicated cars for those really interested in motoring"; "an unsophisticated machine"
Synonyms: uncomplicated

4. (satellite adjective) awkwardly simple and provincial; "bumpkinly country boys"; "rustic farmers"; "a hick town"; "the nightlife of Montmartre awed the unsophisticated tourists"
Synonyms: bumpkinly, hick, rustic

5. (satellite adjective) lacking experience of life; "a callow youth of seventeen"
Synonyms: callow, inexperienced, naive

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