
1. (verb) put in the place of another
Synonyms: replace
Related Words: change, exchange, interchange, reduce, retool, shift, truncate

2. (verb) be a substitute
Synonyms: fill in, stand in, sub
Related Words: change, exchange, interchange

3. (verb) act as a substitute for
Synonyms: deputize, stand in, step in
Related Words: cover, replace, supersede, supervene upon, supplant

4. (noun) a person or thing that takes or can take the place of another
Synonyms: replacement
Related Words: equivalent, successor

5. (noun) an athlete who plays only when another member of the team drops out
Synonyms: reserve
Related Words: athlete, bench warmer, jock, pinch hitter

6. (satellite adjective) being a replacement or substitute for a regular member of a team
Synonyms: second-string

7. (satellite adjective) capable of substituting in any of several positions on a team; "a utility infielder"
Synonyms: utility

8. (noun) someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult); "the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes"; "we need extra employees for summer fill-ins"
Synonyms: backup, backup man, fill-in, relief, stand-in
Related Words: alternate, compeer, double, equal, locum, locum tenens, match, peer, replacement, stunt man, stunt woman, surrogate

9. (satellite adjective) artificial and inferior; "ersatz coffee"; "coffee substitute"
Synonyms: ersatz, imitation

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