rock brake

1. (noun) dwarf deciduous lithophytic ferns
Related Words: American parsley fern, American rock brake, Cryptogramma acrostichoides, Cryptogramma crispa, European parsley fern, fern, mountain parsley fern

2. (noun) chiefly lithophytic or epiphytic fern of North America and east Asia
Synonyms: American wall fern, Polypodium virgianum, rock polypody
Related Words: polypody

3. (noun) any of several small lithophytic ferns of tropical and warm temperate regions
Synonyms: cliff brake, cliffbrake
Related Words: Pellaea andromedifolia, Pellaea atropurpurea, Pellaea mucronata, Pellaea ornithopus, bird's-foot fern, coffee fern, fern, purple rock brake

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