
1. (satellite adjective) preceding all others in time; "the premiere showing"
Synonyms: premiere

2. (satellite adjective) first in rank or degree; "an architect of premier rank"; "the prime minister"
Synonyms: prime

3. (verb) perform a work for the first time
Synonyms: premiere
Related Words: do, execute, perform

4. (verb) be performed for the first time; of a play, ballet, or composition
Synonyms: premiere

5. (noun) the person who is head of state (in several countries)
Synonyms: chancellor, prime minister
Related Words: chief of state, head of state

6. (noun) the position of the cabinet minister who is in charge of government affairs
Synonyms: PM, Prime Minister
Related Words: cabinet minister

7. (noun) the person who holds the position of head of state in England
Synonyms: PM, Prime Minister
Related Words: chief of state, head of state

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