physiological state

1. (noun) the condition of the body or bodily functions
Related Words: acapnia, acathexia, addiction, agalactia, agalactosis, amyxia, anaesthesia, analgesia, anesthesia, anestrum, anestrus, angiotelectasia, anhidrosis, anoestrum, anoestrus, arousal, asphyxia, burn, cellularity, cold sweat, condition, cryptobiosis, dependence, dependency, drive, estrus, fecundity, fertility, flatulence, flatulency, gas, gestation, good health, health problem, healthiness, heat, hypercapnia, hypercarbia, hyperthermia, hyperthermy, hypocapnia, hypothermia, ill health, infertility, normothermia, oestrus, oxygen debt, poisoning, potency, pregnancy, rigor mortis, rut, sedation, sleep, slumber, status, sterility, sunburn, suntan, suspended animation, tan, torpidity, torpor, unhealthiness, wakefulness

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