
1. (noun) a group of persons together in one place
Synonyms: assemblage
Related Words: assembly, audience, bevy, body, building, bunch, camp, carload, cast, cast of characters, class, commune, community, concourse, contingent, convocation, cortege, covey, crew, crowd, dramatis personae, eightsome, entourage, fair, fivesome, floor, form, foursome, gang, grade, mass meeting, meeting, multitude, municipality, muster, octet, octette, pair, quartet, quartette, quintet, quintette, quorum, rally, rap group, rave-up, retinue, room, septet, septette, sevensome, sextet, sextette, sixsome, social affair, social gathering, social group, suite, table, threesome, throng, triad, trinity, trio, turnout, year

2. (noun) the act of gathering something
Synonyms: gather
Related Words: assembling, collecting, collection, harvest, harvest home, harvesting

3. (satellite adjective) accumulating and becoming more intense; "the deepening gloom"; "felt a deepening love"; "the gathering darkness"; "the thickening dusk"
Synonyms: deepening, thickening

4. (noun) small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching
Synonyms: gather
Related Words: sewing, stitchery

5. (noun) the social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly"
Synonyms: assemblage, assembly
Related Words: calling together, coming together, concentration, congregating, congregation, convening, convention, convocation, group action, marshaling, meeting, mobilisation, mobilization

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