
1. (verb) direct attention to, as if by means of contrast; "This dress accentuates your nice figure!" "I set off these words by brackets"
Synonyms: accent, accentuate, bring out, set off, stress
Related Words: alter, background, change, foreground, highlight, pick up, play down, play up, raise, spotlight
Antonyms: deemphasize

2. (verb) to stress, single out as important: "Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet."
Synonyms: accent, accentuate, punctuate, stress
Related Words: bear down, drive home, emphasize, evince, express, point up, press home, re-emphasise, re-emphasize, show, underline, underscore

3. (verb) give extra weight to (a communication); "Her gesture emphasized her words"
Synonyms: underline, underscore
Related Words: accent, accentuate, emphasize, punctuate, stress

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