cut off

1. (verb) remove by or as if by cutting; "cut off the ear"; "lop off the dead branch"
Synonyms: chop off, lop off
Related Words: abscise, come away, come off, detach

2. (verb) cut off and stop; "The bicyclist was cut out by the van"
Synonyms: cut out
Related Words: intercept, stop

3. (verb) cease, stop: "cut the noise"; "We had to cut short the conversation"
Synonyms: cut
Related Words: break up, cut off, disrupt, interrupt

4. (satellite adjective) detached by cutting; "cut flowers"; "a severed head"; "an old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with her poor cut-off head under her arm"
Synonyms: severed

5. (verb) remove surgically; of limbs
Synonyms: amputate
Related Words: remove, take, take away

6. (verb) break a small piece off from; "chip the glass"; "chip a tooth"
Synonyms: break off, chip, knap
Related Words: cut

7. (verb) make a break in; "We interrupt the program for the following messages"
Synonyms: break up, disrupt, interrupt
Related Words: barge in, block, break, break, break in, break off, burst in on, burst upon, butt in, chime in, come in, cut, cut in, cut off, discontinue, harass, heckle, inject, interject, intermit, interpose, jam, pause, punctuate, put away, put in, stop, take off, take time off, throw in

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