compass point

1. (noun) any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass; "he checked the point on his compass"
Synonyms: point
Related Words: ENE, ESE, EbN, EbS, NE, NEbE, NEbN, NNE, NNW, NW, NWbN, NWbW, NbE, NbW, SE, SEbE, SEbS, SSE, SSW, SW, SWbS, SWbW, SbE, SbW, WNW, WSW, WbN, WbS, cardinal compass point, direction, east by north, east by south, east northeast, east southeast, nor'-east, nor'-nor'-east, nor'-nor'-west, nor'-west, north by east, north by west, north northeast, north northwest, northeast, northeast by east, northeast by north, northwest, northwest by north, northwest by west, sou'-east, sou'-sou'-east, sou'-sou'-west, sou'-west, south by east, south by west, south southeast, south southwest, southeast, southeast by east, southeast by south, southwest, southwest by south, southwest by west, west by north, west by south, west northwest, west southwest

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