
1. (verb) of phrases or words
Related Words: create verbally, sloganeer

2. (noun) a metal piece (usually a disc) used as money
Related Words: bawbee, bezant, bezzant, byzant, cent, centime, change, coinage, crown, dime, dollar, doubloon, ducat, eagle, eightpence, farthing, fifty-cent piece, fivepence, fourpence, groat, guinea, ha'penny, half crown, half dollar, half eagle, halfpenny, louis d'or, metal money, mintage, nickel, ninepence, penny, piece of eight, quarter, real, shilling, sixpence, sou, specie, tanner, tenpence, threepence, tuppence, twopence

3. (verb) of coins
Synonyms: mint, strike
Related Words: create from raw material, create from raw stuff

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