
1. (noun) close fighting during the culmination of a military attack
Related Words: battle, conflict, engagement, fight, storm

2. (satellite adjective) used in an attack; "assault weapons", "attack planes"
Synonyms: attack

3. (noun) an intentional physical attack or beating that causes unlawful violence to another person
Synonyms: assault and battery, battery
Related Words: attack, attempt, crime, law-breaking, mugging, resisting arrest

4. (verb) attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly"
Synonyms: assail, attack, set on
Related Words: bait, beset, bulldog, desecrate, dishonor, dishonour, jump, molest, outrage, profane, rape, ravish, reassail, rush, set, set upon, sic, violate

5. (noun) turning your attention to a problem or a job etc.; "his attack on the problem was misguided"; "he did not make a direct assault on her affections"
Synonyms: attack
Related Words: attending, attention

6. (noun) the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will
Synonyms: rape, ravishment, sexual assault, violation
Related Words: carnal abuse, crime, date rape, law-breaking, statutory rape

7. (verb) attack verbally, in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
Synonyms: assail, attack, lash out, round, snipe
Related Words: abuse, barrage, blackguard, blister, clapperclaw, claw, criticise, criticize, pick apart, rubbish, shout, whang, whip

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