
1. (verb) of animals
Synonyms: neuter, spay
Related Words: desex, desexualize, effeminize, fix, sterilize, unsex

2. (verb) make an alteration to; "This dress needs to be altered"
Related Words: alter, change

3. (verb) make or become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "Prices vary according to the season"
Synonyms: change, vary
Related Words: accommodate, adapt, alternate, avianise, avianize, branch out, break, broaden, crackle, diversify, honeycomb, jump, let out, modulate, move, narrow, narrow down, specialize, take in, widen

4. (verb) cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
Synonyms: change
Related Words: Americanize, Europeanize, Frenchify, Nazify, accent, accentuate, accustom, acerbate, acetylate, acetylize, achromatise, achromatize, activate, add, adorn, adulterate, aerate, affect, age, aggravate, alchemize, alcoholize, alkalinize, allegorize, alter, amalgamate, ameliorate, amend, anglicise, anglicize, animate, animize, antiquate, antique, archaize, arouse, arterialise, arterialize, ash, assimilate, automate, automatize, awaken, barb, barbarise, barbarize, bear on, bear upon, beautify, bedim, beef up, begrime, bemire, bestialise, bestialize, bestow, better, blear, blind, blot out, blunt, blur, boil, bolshevise, bolshevize, break, break down, break up, brighten, bring, bring out, brutalise, brutalize, calcify, camp, capture, cause to sleep, cease, centralize, change intensity, change over, change taste, chasten, check, chill, chord, civilize, clarify, classicize, clean, cleanse, clear, close, coarsen, collimate, colly, color, commercialize, commix, communize, commute, compensate, complicate, concentrate, condense, confuse, contaminate, contract, contribute, conventionalise, conventionalize, convert, cool, cool down, correct, corrupt, counterchange, crack, crush, cry, customise, customize, cut, damage, darken, deactivate, deaden, debase, debauch, decentralise, decentralize, deconcentrate, decorate, decrease, decrepitate, deemphasize, deflate, deform, dehydrogenate, demist, democratize, demonize, demoralize, demulsify, demythologize, denationalize, denaturalize, denature, denazify, deodorize, depersonalize, deprave, depress, desensitize, destabilize, destress, detransitivize, devalue, develop, devilize, diabolize, digitize, dinge, dirty, disable, disarray, discolor, disenable, disorder, disqualify, dissimilate, disturb, diversify, dizzy, doctor, doctor up, dope, draw, drop, dry, dry out, dull, dynamize, edit, edit out, elaborate, elevate, embellish, emphasize, empty, emulsify, enable, end, energize, envenom, eternalize, eternize, etherealize, etiolate, even, even out, exacerbate, exasperate, excecate, exchange, excite, expand, extend, exteriorize, externalise, externalize, familiarise, familiarize, fasten, fat, fatten, fatten out, fatten up, fertilize, fill, fill out, fill up, flatten, flesh out, form, fortify, freeze, freshen, full, gear up, gelatinize, get, glamorize, glamourise, glorify, grace, grime, habituate, harden, harmonize, harshen, heat, heat up, hide, hue, humanise, humanize, humble, hydrogenate, immaterialize, immortalize, impact, impart, improve, inactivate, incapacitate, increase, indispose, individualise, individualize, industrialize, inflate, inform, inseminate, insulate, interchange, internationalise, internationalize, intransitivize, introvert, invalidate, invert, iodinate, ionate, lace, laicize, land, lend, lessen, liberalize, lift, lighten, lighten up, liquefy, liquidise, liquidize, liquify, loose, loosen, lower, magnetize, make, make clean, make full, make grow, make possible, mark, market, mechanize, meliorate, merge, militarize, mince, mingle, minify, misdirect, mix, moderate, modernize, morph, muddy, mutate, mythologize, nationalize, naturalize, neutralize, nick, normalize, obfuscate, obliterate, obscure, occidentalize, officialize, opalize, orientalize, ornament, outmode, overcloud, overturn, oxidise, oxidize, oxigenise, oxygenize, pall, parallel, perplex, personalize, pervert, plump, plump out, poison, polarize, politicize, prepare, pressurize, profane, proof, prostrate, put, raise, rarefy, rarify, ready, recombine, reconstruct, redact, redo, redress, reduce, reestablish, refine, refresh, refreshen, reinstate, remodel, renew, renormalize, restore, retard, reverse, revolutionize, right, ripen, romanticize, round, round down, round off, round out, rouse, rusticate, sanitize, saponify, saturate, sauce, scramble, sensibilize, sensify, sensitize, set, set aside, set off, set up, shake, shallow, shape, sharpen, shift, shoal, shorten, simplify, slenderize, sober, socialize, soften, soil, solvate, sophisticate, spice, spice up, spike, sputter, stabilize, stain, steepen, stiffen, straighten, straighten out, strengthen, stress, string, subdue, sublimate, subtilize, suburbanize, supercharge, suspend, sweeten, switch, symmetrize, synchronize, tame, temper, tender, tenderize, tense, terminate, thicken, think, tighten, touch, touch on, transform, transitivize, translate, transmute, transpose, turn around, uglify, unclutter, unfit, uniformize, unify, unite, unscramble, unsex, unsubstantialize, urbanize, validate, verbify, vitiate, vitrify, void, volatilize, wake up, waken, warm, weaken, westernize, wet, widen, worsen, zest

5. (verb) insert words into texts
Synonyms: falsify, interpolate
Related Words: edit, redact

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