
1. (adjective) of or relating to the Sioux people or their language and culture

2. (noun) a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux
Synonyms: Siouan language
Related Words: American Indian, American-Indian language, Amerind, Amerindian language, Biloxi, Catawba, Chiwere, Crow, Dakota, Dhegiha, Gros Ventre, Hidatsa, Hunkpapa, Indian, Ofo, Ogalala, Oglala, Santee, Tutelo, Winnebago

3. (noun) a member of a group of North American Indian peoples who spoke a Siouan language and who ranged from Lake Michigan to the Rocky Mountains
Synonyms: Sioux
Related Words: Biloxi, Buffalo Indian, Catawba, Crow, Dakota, Dhegiha, Eastern Sioux, Gros Ventre, Hidatsa, Hunkpapa, Iowa, Ioway, Missouri, Ofo, Ogalala, Oglala, Oto, Otoe, Plains Indian, Santee, Santee Dakota, Santee Sioux, Tutelo, Winnebago

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