
1. (adverb) inside an enclosed space
Antonyms: out

2. (adverb) to or toward the inside of; "come in"; "smash in the door"
Synonyms: inward, inwards

3. (satellite adjective) inside e.g. an organization; used as a combining form; "an in-house editor"; "in-home nursing programs"

4. (adjective) not out; "it's ten o'clock and the children are in"; "the tide is in"
Antonyms: out

5. (satellite adjective) (informal) "the in thing to do"; "large shoulder pads are in"

6. (satellite adjective) directed or bound inward; "took the in bus"; "the in basket"

7. (satellite adjective) holding office; "the in party"

8. (noun) a unit of length (in United States and Britain) equal to one twelfth of a foot
Synonyms: inch
Related Words: linear unit

9. (noun) a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite
Synonyms: atomic number 49, indium
Related Words: metal, metallic element

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